Friday, July 16, 2021

NC Middle School Sibling Duo Start Grassroots Effort to Clean Up the State

What kind of activities did you participate in in Middle School? Sports, video games, skateboarding, dance, martial arts, etc.? Well, the sister and brother duo Audrey & Gregory Scanlon are "The Clean Up Kids" and are doing their part to inspire others across North Carolina to reduce waste and clean up our lands and waters. They have already adopted a stretch of highway and are partnering with NC DOT and other agencies and organizations to expand their efforts, which include a contest for people and groups who participate in clean ups (see the link below for details). 

Their long term goal is to work with companies, elected officials, and community members to stop littering at the source by reducing the use of disposable items. However, their initial focus is on energizing citizens to grab a bag and start cleaning up the mountains of litter already damaging our environment. They hope to spread their mission, believing that people who pick up litter are far less likely to be litter bugs, and are counting on this to help generate a lasting impact.

Learn more about their efforts and how you can take part at